Photo & Video Gallery

Practicing catch & release on the Cache la Poudre river. Let ’em go to let ’em grow!

I had a vision about a path up this small slope. 8′ x 8′ timbers, rocks from around the yard, a little mortar, and…voila. Pretty decent for an amateur, don’t ya’ think?

The mission at Tomarapi beneath Nevado Sajama, the tallest peak in Bolivia at 21,463′. Beautiful!

Moose are amazing and inspirational! Love having them in the yard…

A pair of beavers in the ponds behind the cabin, their unique warning system deployed at the end of the video!

The river on a quiet winter day. Go ahead…unplug for about 20 seconds and enjoy!

This early summer brown took a #18 brassie on a cold, rainy day. Those spots!

Baby bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) just up the road from the cabin. They love to lick the salt dropped on the road by CDOT.

My friend Rene with a beautiful Rainbow Trout from a Lake on the Bolivian altiplano near El Condoriri. What a day!

The miracle of life captured by a stroke of pure luck. Enjoy!

A black wooly bugger enticed some nice fish from the depths of Lake Jurikhota, Bolivia